

Instant Voucher


View Count:200+
Payment Transaction / 街口支付 / 台灣Pay / LINE Pay / 永豐銀行




  • Full Price (Foreigner)

    Full Price (Foreigner) x 1

    Full Price General Admission (Foreigner)

  • Student (all nationality)

    Student (all nationality) x 1

    Discounted Ticket for Students (all nationality)

    Check Verification(Student Card)

  • Children aged 6 and above, under 12 (all nationality)

    Children aged 6 and above, under 12 (all nationality) x 1

    Children aged 6 and above but under 12 years old (all nationality).

    Check Verification(Passport / Health Insurance Card)

  • Weekend Senior Discount

    Weekend Senior Discount x 1

    Weekend Senior Citizens (all nationality)

    Check Verification(ID Card/Residence Permit Number)

  • Children under 6 (all nationality)

    Children under 6 (all nationality) x 1

    Free Admission for Children under 6 (all nationality)

    Check Verification(Passport / Health Insurance Card)

  • Weekday Senior Discount

    Weekday Senior Discount x 1

    Weekday Senior Citizens (all nationality)

    Check Verification(ID Card/Residence Permit Number)

  • Persons with disabilities (all nationality)

    Persons with disabilities (all nationality) x 1

    Free Admission for Persons with Disabilities (all nationality)

    Check Verification(Disability Card)

  • An Accompanying of People with Disabilities (All Nationalities)

    An Accompanying of People with Disabilities (All Nationalities) x 1

    Free Admission for the Accompanying of People with Disabilities (All Nationalities)


1. 詳細參觀須知,請參考本館官網

2. 各票種價格,請參考票價說明

3. 建議使用Google Chrome、Firefox、Safari、Edge等瀏覽器最新版本來進行預約操作。

4. 請觀眾持電子票證(QR Code),於館方指定入口掃描入館參觀。

5. 訂購成功後,可於登入用戶頁面中「用戶訂單」 查看可使用電子票證(QR Code)。


1. 本館如因天災(如颱風停班......)等不可抗力或不可歸責(如展場停電......)因素致影響參觀權益者,隨時接受退換票。

2. 本館保留隨時修正本須知之權利,相關規定悉以購票及退換票時依本館官網公告為準。

3. 有關購票及退換票相關事項,請洽本館服務台辦理。

Refund Policy

1. 購票前請注意本館公告優惠或免費對象、優惠辦法、換展布告、活動停辦或場地未開放等相關訊息,票券售出並經使用後不得請求退換票。

2. 常態展覽門票視同無記名有價證券,票券若因遺失、破損、燒毀、撕除或無法辨識等情形,恕不補發、退換票。

3. 非於現場購買之本館票券,如未經使用,請至原購買通路辦理退換票。

4. 本館線上售票網站退換票作業:
  ● 線上售票網站購買之線上票券,且未經使用,若須退票,僅能於線上辦理退訂,退還票款,不收手續費。
  ● 因線上售票網站並無修改訂單功能,如欲變更人數、更改預約日期,請退票後重新訂票。
  ● 線上票券僅於購買後三十日內有效,未經使用之線上票券,請於訂單頁面或至本館售票服務台,辦理退票。
  ● 另線上團體預約票券須在入場前完成退票作業。

5. 不依本須知或檢附資料不完整時,本館得不予退換票。


Please select a product

  • Full Price (Foreigner)
    NT$ 80
  • Student (all nationality)
    NT$ 40
  • Children aged 6 and above, under 12 (all nationality)
    NT$ 40
  • Weekend Senior Discount
    NT$ 40
  • Children under 6 (all nationality)
    NT$ 0
  • Weekday Senior Discount
    NT$ 0
  • Persons with disabilities (all nationality)
    NT$ 0
  • An Accompanying of People with Disabilities (All Nationalities)
    NT$ 0

NT$ 0

